Saxophone Ensemble Skills Workshop

Open to all saxophone players aged 18+

Saturday 9th November 2019

10:00am to 1:00pm

Windmill Community Campus, Kirkcaldy, KY1 3AL

This small-group workshop for saxophone players (max. 10 participants) is all about the skills needed to play in a group. It is aimed at people who have less experience or confidence when it comes to ensemble playing. 

The session will feature quite basic notation reading in order to allow for maximum discussion and development of the features of ensemble playing. Areas covered will include:

  • Tuning
  • Balancing volume
  • Beat and rhythm
  • Counting rests
  • Articulation and phrasing

The session will be led by experienced performer and teacher Ellie Steemson, featuring fun repertoire in a relaxed and friendly setting.

The adults I teach often tell me they would like to play their saxophones in a group setting, but feel anxious about going along to an established group. Much of the knowledge needed to thrive in a group musical environment is quite basic, but when a group has many experienced members already these basics are not always explained. Therefore new players joining the group can end up feeling left behind and confused, and are often put off by this experience.

I aim to demystify these basic skills in order to make playing in a group something more aspiring adult musicians can enjoy. In order to do this, we will explore the skills required by breaking down them into small areas and focusing on each one separately. There will also be plenty of time to focus on individual questions and concerns due to the small group size.

Ellie Steemson

Fee of £30 is payable in advance via bank transfer to secure your place. Please bring a music stand.

Fife Community Sax Group

Just getting some music ready for our first Fife Community Sax Group rehearsal on Monday.

If you’re a local sax player, why not join us? No previous ensemble playing experience needed. Just bring yourself, your sax and a music stand if you have one.

If you’re not sure whether it’s for you, just come along and try it out. There are five weekly sessions in total, but you don’t have to come to every single one. Cost is £5 per session.

If you’d like to come, all you need to do is contact us. Hope to see you there!